Celebrating Wisconsin Family Business

The Wisconsin Family Business of the Year Award Ceremony began in 2004 and has since honored over 100 family-owned businesses in Wisconsin. 


For the past two years, Lasting Legacies has played a small part in bringing the event to life by conducting interviews with all nominees as well as producing a recap video for the event.


We are honored to help bring awareness and recognition to an evening celebrating family businesses. 

This years event took place on September 21st, 2023 at the Overture Center in downtown Madison.

Downtown Madison, Wisconsin

Diane Endres-Ballweg of Endres Manufacturing served as the event’s MC & Keynote Speaker. 

Sherry Herwig of the Wisconsin Family Business Center gave a tremendous speech as well talking about the impact family businesses have on our great state of Wisconsin. 

Sherry Herwig delivers speech to audience at the Wisconsin Family Business Awards

Daniels Construction took home the Grand Prize in the Small Business Category (25-100 employees). During his speech, 3rd Generation CEO Sam Daniels addressed their recent celebration of 70 years and stated “It’s my charge to make sure that we get to 100 years.”

Daniel's Construction receives their award at the Wisconsin Family Business of the Year Award Ceremony.

Server Products took home the Grand Prize in the Medium Business Category (100-250 employees). Kristin Falkner, the 3rd generation CEO stated “I’m humbled when I listen to the stories and similarities that we all share where have such tremendous respect for what was built before us.”

Kristin Falkner of Server Products receives her award at the Wisconsin Family Business of the Year Awards

Shorewest Realtors took home the Grand Prize in the Large Business Category (250+ employees).  The Horning brothers, Joe and John are 3rd generation business leaders and accepted the award together. Joe stated “It’s really about the culture and that we truly are a family. We wouldn’t be where we are today without our customers and our realtors.”

Shorewest Realtors receives it's award at the Wisconsin Family Business of the year Award Ceremony

Nominations for The Wisconsin Family Business of the Year Award 2024 are now open!

To nominate a business please click the icon below.