Official Selection Door County Film Festival 2025


In early 2020, Jodi Wilterdink moved from the Chicagoland area to the Milwaukee suburbs right before COVID-19 hit. Relocating during a time when cultivating community was nearly impossible, Jodi decided to create her own community by raising baby chicks in her laundry room. 

As her love and connection with the chickens grew, she hatched the idea of offering “Chicken Therapy” to local seniors, sensing they too could benefit from this unique experience. 

Healing Hens follows Jodi and her therapy chickens, sharing the story of how they have touched the lives of hundreds of Milwaukee area seniors. 

Jodi with Therapy Chicken
Andrew and Jodi at the Chicken Therapy Film Premiere.
Healing Hens Team at the Milwaukee Film Festival

Filmmaker's Note

When we think of therapy animals we tend to think of puppies, rabbits or horses… rarely do we think of chickens.

When I met Jodi I was incredibly moved by her story. At the time she had just lost one of her very first therapy chickens “Dolly” and was looking for a way to document the impact Dolly had on so many seniors by honoring her legacy in sharing Chicken Therapy with as many as possible.

Taking on this project was very special to me, as it aligned with the day-to-day work that we do at Lasting Legacies. It is vitally important our elders are provided quality care and an outlet for continued engagement and fulfillment in their lives.

Witnessing the seniors’ interactions and the emotions evoked through participating in Chicken Therapy, I am honored to have helped Jodi tell this heartwarming story.

If you are an assisted living community or work in the senior care industry and would be interested in hosting an independent screening of the film please fill out the form below. 

This film was done pro-bono by Lasting Legacies, after hearing the story of Jodi and Chicken Therapy Andrew decided to donate his time and resources to create this film.

Chicken Therapy is always offered at no cost to all Senior Communities and Assisted Livings in the greater Milwaukee Area.

To learn more about Touching Hearts at Home. 

To learn more about Lasting Legacies